The Weekly Read | Love, Loss, Pride & Joy

The Weekly Read | Love, Loss, Pride and Joy
I would like the record to reflect that when people say “how do you find material to write about?” I am always confused. When you have in-laws who believe that livestock make great gifts, you are never at a loss for words. Not all of them good. (Continued via link below)

Read Full Text of this week's column at F&D Website  


SheShe said...

Your column made me cry....nothing harder than nursing your children through the loss of their pets, and nothing greater than the times they give you glimpses into the wonderful people they are becoming. Thank you.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't generally have trouble finding things to write about...certainly some posts are more interesting than others though.

TexWisGirl said...

That was a wonderful story - sad, truthful, and so much a part of our animal-loving lives...

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Oh gosh, it's always so difficult for all when a pet has passed on. Your son handled it very well and I'm sure you are very proud. Growing up in the country with farm animals, kids learn the circle of life sooner than most.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to funny, i would love to have livestock as a gift, if i had somewhere to put them. it is amazing what we find to talk about in blog land and lots of fun

Leontien said...

Always lot's to talk about and yes not always it is good stuff!

Thank you for sharing!!!


Jinxie said...

I probably shouldn't have read this five minutes before my "baby's" birthday.

Colour me destroyed.