Weekly Read | Screen-Free not Scream-Free

April 18-24 is Screen-Free Week. Since 1996, organizers have exhorted us to turn off screens via the implementation of Screen-Free Week (formerly TV-Turnoff).
Ever since it replaced turning off the television for one week with the scarier prospect of turning off ALL screens (including computers, video games and smart phones), resistance has risen. I’m sure it has. What you term “resistance” I call “you’ll pry my laptop out of my cold, dead hands.”
Already Turn off TV week sounds quaint doesn’t it? Like pledging to give up your horse and buggy or butter churn ... CONTINUED AT F&D ...


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We don't watch tv, but I'd have a hard time shutting the computer off for that long!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they would have to put a straight jacket on me if i went screen free, even for a day or two a whole week would make me a raving lunatic. i love all things screen. our HD TV is big and bad and I love it and love both of my computers. YIKES you scared me to death

Carolyn said...

OMG...no Blogger AND no Walton's?! Not to mention, I too use my computer for work...there would be many people upset if I told them I couldn't print their paychecks because it was screen-free week.

ohiofarmgirl said...

Forget it...how would I ever catch up?? Dianntha

Anonymous said...
