Weekly Read | The Graduate

*"Weekly Read" Posts are links to my published column. The text you see (below) is only an excerpt of the entire column and photos shown are generally stock photos. Thanks! 

She is the daughter of my very best friend, and when I opened her high school graduation announcement last week I was a bit taken aback. Since when do they let toddlers graduate? ... (THIS IS ONLY PART OF THE TEXT. Finish Reading the Complete Text of this Column via the Publisher's Website


MadSnapper n Beau said...

she is a doll. i just said to hubby last week, why are they having graduation for 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 year old, then 6th grade and then 12th. we only had one when i was in school, all this kind of takes away from the last. beats me, but she looks darn cute in that hat

Chatty Crone said...

She is so cute - I love the red. I am with Sandra - only one when my kids were little!

Leontien said...

Hi Kimberly! You got an award! Well, if you want it, that is...
come an pick it up at my site!


Weekend Cowgirl said...

Time goes by way to quickly... darling photo!