Don't you wish your piggy was hot like mine?

Because CLEARLY, everyone needs one of these.

Soccer ball piggy bank = Fifty Cents.

Being able to say I OWN a soccer ball piggy bank = Priceless.
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TexWisGirl said...

ha ha.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOL he/she is adorable

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

Just found your blog through West Virginia Treasures. Love it! I'm your newest follower.

Debbie @ Swampbilly Ranch said...

Just found your blog through West Virginia Treasures. Love it! I'm your newest follower.

Lindsey said...

so random I know but where did you get that piggy bank. My son has one that looks exactly like it and his friend just broke it! Not only am I sad he is so sad too. That was the cutest one I've seen. I just got online to look for another one like it and found your posting. Mine was given as a gift so I have no idea where it was from?

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Hi Lindsey!

I am sorry to report that we scored that marvelous piggy at a yard sale. In your shoes I would search "soccer + Pig" Google, Google images, and eBay.

Good luck!