I am yet another victim of the dreaded, possibly evil, mandolin slicer.

Yes, I could not be more proud. I was saying to myself "careful, careful now ..." even at the very moment I was slicing a cucumber - and my finger - deep and wide with a mandolin slicer.

I'm home with a new set of bandages and a handy dandy tetanus shot, my cutting glove on order from Amazon (a day late and dollar short I believe they say?)

On the upside the MD was very impressed with Wondergirl's bandaging prowess. Said that with her skill and level head she might have a future and if she was ever interested in medicine she should come up and follow them around for a day.

I told him she wanted to be a vet. I bet few cows mess around with mandolin slicers.

As for eating healthy, I also bet few people ever bled copiously after opening a "Twinkie."


TexWisGirl said...

excellent point!

Debbie said...

they are wonderfully dangerous!!

cooking is not all it is cracked up to be!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I did it slicing a tomato - it bleed for 24 hours - finally found that tea bags stopped bleeding. To this day my finger has half a tip!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Yikes, the thought makes my stomach turn. I hate blood!! Hope your finger feels better soon. I bet the tetanus shot hurt worse.

Carolyn said...

I sliced off the edge of my thumb cutting up potatoes one day. Now hubby flees to the other room when "The slicer" comes out. Look on the bright side...no more tetanus shots for 10 years :)Seriously...hope it doesn't hurt too bad and heals quickly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ROFL about the Twinkie. i am laughing really hard over just that one comment, i am not laughing at the sliced finger
did you have to have stitches? oh my and thanks for letting me know i don't have to eat healthy any more because it is not healthy for me. LOL loved this post

SheShe said...

Oh, my goodness....my mother-in-law just did the very same thing. We bandaged her several times and applied some mysterious salve known as bag balm before we finally got it to stop bleeding. I'm fairly certain mandolin slicers were invented by sadists!

Onlythemanager said...

Ha! I can identify with this after getting stitches in my leg after trying to cook a nice breakfast for guests. I guess we should have had Poptarts!

Onlythemanager said...

Ha! I can identify with this after getting stitches in my leg after trying to cook a nice breakfast for guests. I guess we should have had Poptarts!